
The masculinity of a men and the art are good friends.



The neighborhood of Wisteria Lane is compounded by a quiet residential zone. The armory and beauty of Wisteria Lane is captivating the eyes of visitors with its beautiful gardens and houses.

Before I arrived to Wisteria Lane the neighborhood suffered many changes from the petition of neighbors that were worry about free zones around the park. The transformation created new homes in front of the park. Edie Britt, was known by everyone as the number one home seller in the zone. She just sold me one of these new homes last week.

Once I bought the house I decided to emigrate from my apartment in the city of Los Angeles to Wisteria Lane in Fairview. I traveled in my car for several hours until a got tire of driving. Then I arrived to the place and I though by myself “I know, it seems that I won the lottery.”

It was 11:28 a.m. when I arrived to Wisteria Lane. The neighborhood was alone and it seemed weird to me. But the beauty of Wisteria Lane has not words to describe it.

This is my house; if you want my home address is here.

Gerardo Rojas

4585 Wisteria Lane

Fairview, WA.


United States

Well, I hope my friends in Los Angeles can send me gifts or send me a postal because I am out of the city.

Edie Britt has done a fabulous job sending professionals to decorate my new home and I found a great place with all the furniture in order. The only annoying thing was the sign for sell in the yard of my garden. After all I am the new owner of this property.

I loved this house at the first sign because the central park of the lane is just in front of my house. It is ideal for me to take my children to the park. I was waiting for the arriving of my foster children the next week.

The fresh air, clean, and pure in comparison with the city of Los Angeles was a great invitation to go out in order to know people. It was a pleasure for me when I met the Solis family. Gabrielle Solis and Carlos Solis. Both were talking about their next hot barbecue in the party of the Van de Kamp family. 

As fast as I could I joined to the discussion about the hot barbecue by telling them some secrets about Spanish cuisine. It was more a cooking teaching class than a presentation between neighborhoods. 

More than cooking a hot barbecue Gabrielle Solis was addict to the Young man. Very discrete she started to flirt with me. Well, it was very discrete her way to flirt because her husband did not notice it.

Carlos invited me to see a popular TV show very funny I can tell. There I discovered that Gabrielle has been a famous model in New York. My question was interesting. Did Gabrielle marry Carlos just for his money or maybe she really love him. Well, I had these questions because Gabrielle flirted with me.

Edie Britt was famous in Wisteria Lane, not only because she run every morning, great the neighbors with education, and sold many properties to different buyers. Edie, was also famous because she always has a different man living at her house. That morning I saw her boyfriend in turn Adams Smith jogging in the neighborhood.  

Edie Britt knows how to have a man at her side. After she left her house in order to work she saw with pride the beauty of her neighborhood. 

Edie was proud of every house she sold in Wisteria Lane and how she convinced the Van de Kamp to buy the house. All the liars she used to sell the house to the Meyer´s. The house had problems in different pipes.

She also remembered when she sold the house to the Scavo in a higher price from its original value. It was too hard to survive the different traps and tricks of the children. It was not negative to increase the value of the property after all it was a small incentive for her.

Well, this is Wisteria Lane. In every home there is a secret bigger than the beauty and tranquility of the neighborhood. I was open to start digging in every home in order to discover those secrets.